Happy Holiday Wishes


Wow – it’s already the end of the year. We are just putting 2022 to bed and welcoming 2023. It hardly seems possible that this year has passed. Is it just me? Was it also a fast-moving year for you?!
Most of you have probably been busy with end of the year celebrations of several kinds, depending on how you identify. So this will be short and sweet!
Looking back over this year, it’s clear that the world is still in trouble and dealing with many problems. So always be mindful for the present moment, and remember not to be self-deprecating, as you take care of your business, along with your feelings, thoughts, spirituality, and subsequent behavioral choices!
Remember to love yourself as much as you love others. Treat yourself with the same kindness that you treat others, or at least the way you want others to treat you.
This can be very difficult, especially when dealing with people who are not treating you well. Just do your best to be kind and considerate! Reach out for help if you need it.
(I know you’ve heard this many times, so this is just a reminder.)
Going forward, be hopeful … and if you have faith, use it to propel yourself forward.
There will always be reasons for optimism, joy, happiness, and prosperity. If you don’t see them, look a little harder. While I’m not saying there is no reason for grieving, and doing that in a healthy way is necessary at times, on the heels of adversity is always something wonderful to be found and enjoyed.
Health and Wellness Online wants to wish you all HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
Remember, knowledge is power, so take charge of your health.
And have a happy, holistically healthy day!


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