
Showing posts from March, 2023

5 Top Fitness Myths

  We hear a lot of things about fitness, particularly exercise fitness, and we buy into programs, we buy equipment, and let’s face it: not all of it works for everyone. In this blog, I wanted to give you a few myths about fitness. 1. If you sweat while exercising, you are burning more calories Alas, this does not always prove to be the case. Sweating is a natural physiological response to exercise. It cools the skin and is like an internal thermostat for regulating your body’s temperature. You might also be sweating if the room you are exercising in is hot and this does not necessarily translate to burning more calories! 2. You need to work out for 45 minutes to get any health benefits Any amount of working out equals some  heart health benefits . So, if you have an extra 5 or 10 minutes to spare, you will still get something positive from that. One study showed better blood pressure readings when splitting their time walking into 3 10-minute segments rather than one 30-minute session.

Boosting Your Immune System: 5 Foods to Include in Your Diet

Long gone are the times when savoring fruits, freshly squeezed juices, milk, and soups were cherished during snack time instead of the modern delectable bits. It wouldn’t be inaccurate to say the world is facing a pandemic of inadequate immunity. It is no secret that your body reflects what you consume. Consuming portions of food that are bad for your health manifests in your body as disease, exhaustion, and obesity, but a well-balanced diet full of nutritional elements serves as protection against the ailments listed above while boosting your immune system. The article will list the superfood items to boost your immune system. But before getting to it, let’s dive in straight to get to know the immune system. What is the Immune System? The immune system is your body’s ultimate super fighter, protecting it from poisons, bacteria, viruses, fungi, toxins (microbes made by chemicals), and other threats from the outside world. Considering your body merely a complicated system of cells, tiss