
Showing posts from January, 2023

Do New Year's Resolutions Really Work?

 Hi!   Let’s count…how many times have we made New Year’s resolutions? And more importantly, how many times have we been able and/or willing to keep them? Myself – I’ve lost count.   Losing weight is always one of my biggest resolutions for the coming year. Sometimes it goes okay for a while, but often I just end up gaining back my lost weight … and then some. So I have found out that making friends with my urges to eat more than my physical body wants and needs is a good first step, because there is a good reason behind it…like it’s being driven by emotions, especially ones that I experienced as a child. Instead I have focused on trying to eat healthier foods, with occasional “cheats” not paying as much attention to the scale. Oh, I’ll get around to the weight loss sooner or later, but it’s no longer more important than my overall health.   So be sure resolutions are  realistic.  Do you need to better your time management ? Do you need to decide whether you should spend time with peo